When I realized that a growth arrow for the 8 is to lean toward the 2, a place of deep compassion, helpfulness, and service, I realized I had done this (and known this, unconsciously perhaps) earlier in my life when I was working with young kids and raising my own.
Now, I'm starting to come back to that place. After a coaching session, I feel satisfied in my bones. I've made a difference! I've helped! And that doesn't hold a candle to the best EVER day at the office.
And that, my friends, is part of why I've been feeling so good lately. Being of service from a heart-centered place is DEEPLY important to me. There's nothing sentimental about saying that, because it's actually true.
Us 8's aren't big on showing vulnerability or weakness, and we don't want to come across as sappy. We like to be described as strong, capable, and dependable. We're best when we're leading a group for an important cause, when each member of our tribe can use his or her gifts toward the good of the whole.
Learning our type, and therefore learning more about our particular way of being in the world, can bring a greater sense of order, so we can see ourselves and those around us more clearly. This exploration can bring peace, help you to be more honest with yourself, and make you more confident in who you are as well as who you are not.
Is it sappy to say... thanks so much for being part of my tribe? I so appreciate you humoring me.